STEP 1 Locate high-pressure hydraulic port near the main pump, or at the manifold, which has continuous pressure of at least 200 PSI and no more than 5,000 PSI at any point in the machine cycle. Pressure can vary during the machine cycle as long as it stays within these limits.
STEP 2 With the machine off, install "T" or another adapter fitting as necessary to high-pressure port and then install the high-pressure, shut-off valve supplied by Filtroil directly to the fitting. (After the valve is in place and the shut-off valve is turned to the closed position, the machine may be turned back on.)
STEP 3 Install the pressure-compensated flow control valve (supplied by Filtroil) to the high-pressure shut-off valve, with the flow arrow pointing towards the Filtroil unit. Use the special hose adapter (straight or elbow) as supplied by Filtroil and install at the outlet end of the flow-control valve.
STEP 4 Mount the Filtroil canister/bracket/plate unit on machine at any accessible location (weld or drill/tap as required) within the reach of the hoses provided by Filtroil. (For machines with overhead reservoir, mount unit at eye level and run the outlet hose overhead. Make sure outlet hose does not exceed the length provided in the kit.)
STEP 5 Install the special hose adapters (straight or elbow) as supplied by Filtroil at the IN & OUT ports on the bottom of the manifold on the canister (BU-400 features a manifold mounted on the mounting plate). DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE FITTINGS OTHER THAN THOSE SUPPLIED WITH THE KIT.
STEP 6 Assemble (1) special hose end to the low-pressure inlet hose supplied by Filtroil and attach this end to adapter at end of flow-control valve. Route this hose to the IN port adapter on the Filtroil canister/manifold. Cut hose to length, install special hose end and install to the IN port adapter. Attach IN hose to existing piping/conduit with cable ties supplied in the Filtroil kit. Note: Only use the low-pressure hose (as supplied) between the flow-control valve and the canister.
STEP 7 Locate vent or fitting on the top of the reservoir tank (atmospheric pressure) to install special hose adapter for return line from Filtroil unit. If no fitting is available, drill and tap top of the tank or install fitting on breather cap, and install special return line fitting (straight or elbow). Note: Never install any shut-off valve, quick-connector or flow-restricting device in the Filtroil outlet line.
STEP 8 Assemble (1) special hose end to the low-pressure outlet hose supplied by Filtroil and attach this end to the adapter at the OUT port of the Filtroil canister/manifold. Route this hose to the adapter installed at the top of the reservoir (atmospheric pressure). Attach OUT hose to existing piping/conduit with cable ties supplied in the Filtroil kit. § § Check Filtroil unit to make sure element is in place and "T" bar is hand tight. Re-check all hose and other connections for tightness. Slowly turn on shut-off valve and verify flow to the filter unit by reading the gauge on the bottom of the unit. Gauge will rise to approximately 40 to 65 PSI until element becomes thoroughly saturated. After a few moments, the canister and lid will be at the same temperature as the fluid and the gauge will read approximately 35 to 45 PSI.* This gauge reading tells you that the correct flow is coming to the Filtroil unit, going through the element and returning to the tank. The installation is now complete.
NOTES Check the gauge each day and change elements every 90 days, or sooner, as gauge reading approaches the red area.
Fluid temperature variations may cause this gauge reading to be higher or lower. Consult the factory if initial gauge readings are significantly different.